About Seema

SeemaOriginally from NYC, Seema received a BFA from Parsons School of Design in Manhattan She has shown in Manhattan and Brooklyn, NY. as well as Monterey and Big Sur. Seema found her voice “unlearning” and allowing her painting to become an expression and communion with spirit. Her spiritual art making is done solely without any pre-determination and she approaches the land in Big Sur with the same felt sense. Seema’s work is influenced by her holistic healing and direct experience with energy.  She is a Buddhist and yoga practitioner and strives to capture the inter-connectedness of all things.

The land was calling to her to stay- so she made her home here, and felt the call to paint the energy of this  sacred land. Each mark is embedded energy and filled with essence of Big Sur land and ocean. The joy she feels running through her when painting is hopefully transmitted so that the viewer can feel the emotional and spiritual energy and benefit from that healing experience.

The patterning and decorative marks that compose my art are small meditative marks, my hope is to express and share the healing spirit of the land. Each painting is a gift from the divine, and I believe holds an energy charge and vibrational healing for each viewer.”- seema christie